Brenda amazes me every day with her incredible level of energy! Both for her own workouts and responsibilities, and for her clients and tending to their needs. Her level of commitment to me through the last few years is remarkable, always with encouragement and understanding of my process.
I have struggled with weight loss most of my adult life. I was scrolling through social media about 15 months ago and found a random post from someone else about Brenda Roche and a wellness post she had made. I reached out to her in December 2019 and she told me about some Isagenix products she was taking. I took a risk and purchased the products and have been using them since then. The products have been great, but more importantly I have appreciated how invested Brenda has been in helping to sustain my health journey. Whenever I have questions or concerns she is easily reached and responds with empathy and knowledge. What began as a business relationship has become a friendship. The time and energy she invests in providing information to her groups and individuals is amazing. There are daily posts that help a person to learn information based on science not just marketing. I am a science nerd so I appreciate her willingness to talk about her passion of helping others but base it on facts. Brenda is an amazing and sincere person. I am so thankful our paths have crossed.